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Hawaii Future Project
Building A Better Future For All Hawaii Nei
Citizens are responsible to direct the course of their nation, its resources, its technology and its culture to uplift and benefit. And, to actively resist that which debases, deceives and seeks to limit human liberty and prosperity.
Our Mission
We live at a critical juncture in history. Previous generation were Nation Builders creating nations, territories, states, counties and cities. We need to re-capture the excitement and blessing of life in a Constitutional Republic . And, move forward!
About Us
Our goal is a Cultural Renaissance coupled with a rebirth of "good" government that wisely manages the resources of its citizens. Civilizations based on the foundation of Judeo-Christian principals have assured prosperity and individual freedom for the greatest number of people in human history
We believe that God has made human being in His image and as such they have enormous worth and potential. A nation which is just towards the unborn, honors families and seek to spread prosperity and freedom both at home and abroad will know the true reason for life and enjoy the scriptural blessings: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.”
About Hawaii Future Project
Website Design
Grass Roots Development
Civic Association Data Base Connections
Cultural Renewal and Governing Coalitions
Cultural Influence